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Goalkeeper Rotation


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So who here sticks to 1 main keeper vs. having 2 keepers to rotate between gameweeks?

For me when I began to play FPL a few years ago, I mainly chose 1 static keeper to play as many games as I could with him.  This was usually a Man United or Arsenal keeper. 

However, I think as times goes on you realise the potential of rotating x 2 keepers. 

Apart from clean sheets being non existent this season I still think it is a pretty good approach. 

What does everyone else do? 

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I tend to stick to one main goalkeeper throughout the season and usually from a good defensive team. I have had this strategy for years. Perhaps I am a bit lazy with my goalkeeping approach. 

Then my reserve keeper is a cheaper keeper, but someone who is first choice in a lower league position club. This way, I would get some points if my main keeper was out. 

I hope that helps. 

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This is my 2nd season of fpl, last year I didn't rotate keepers. This year I have because of the potential of Clean sheets and fixtures. 

So far it's been tricky getting clean sheets, I started with Pickford not sure in the future who to go with. I am open to any suggestions thank you 😀

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  • 2 months later...

Changes strategy a few times over the years.  I used to rotate but got too frustrated as always seemed to get it wrong so switched to a premium and bench fodder.  Recent seasons have tended to see a £4.5m breakthrough so usually now start with Pickford & Everton second choice as they're usually 4.5/4m and unlikely to need an extra two Everton slots 🙃 and switch to whichever cheap keeper emerges from the pack.


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