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The International Break

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How do you you feel about international breaks? 

When I was young, I use to enjoy international football. I enjoyed watching the World Cup and Euro's on tv etc. This was the 90's. 

However, as I have gotten older I have lost some of the enjoyment factor with international football and I pay no attention to it now unless it's on in the background. 

And now of course, when it conflicts with the FPL gameweeks I tend to dislike it but I suppose I do enjoy having a break from FPL once in a while. 



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I was talking about this the other day with work colleagues. 

The first IB in the FPL season I found to be frustrating because I was so keen after starting the new season.

However, as we are now in March and we have another IB. I am actually enjoying this one because I do need a weekend off. 

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